09 December 2008

o, final-baum

'Tis the season for final exams, and this whole week is devoted to such weeping and gnashing of teeth around the university where I teach (and that's just the grading process).  Today I administered the first of three, and the only one to be completely essay-based - yes, a blue book exam.  Speaking of blue books, I noticed that our particular brand (the one pictured here) has the slogan "Use Your Imagination" across the top. . .for an examination booklet.  The only other approach would be to study, I guess.

Here are the top three [unedited] comments offered this time around in my class on the Book of Revelation:

3. Date: "Only if you pay and we don't go mini golfing"

2. "Since this paragraph has seven sentences, it is the most complete answer ever written."

1. "On a final note, Revelation is not a word-for-word account of what is to come.  There is no biblical support for the Rapture, and The Office is a great TV show.  Thank you and goodnight, sir."

Believe it or not, all three of these gentlemen received an A for the exam (and the course).


hipperken said...

Comment #2 is good. Comment #1 is just great!!! (of course, you knew that - and that is why you put them in the order you did!)

Anonymous said...

That's funny stuff...I wish I could have had you in undergrad.